Most humans would love to know what the future truly holds and even try to find some ways to know what will happen next so they can prepare their lives now for the better: But ultimately what will happen in the future is a mystery no one truly knows what will happen for sure if only there was some way to absolutely find out what would happen for sure. Well believe it or not, there is a way to know about certain future events before they happen and know for sure they will absolutely happen because the same sources ‘predictions’ about the future have proven to come true over and over again in exactly the way they were ‘predicted’: This source is none other than the God of the universe who knows (and even controls) what will happen in the future and gives his ‘predictions’ (technically these are not predictions, but bold statements of what will happen for sure) to human prophets in order to warn his people ahead of time of what is about to happen.
These prophets have written down God’s word about the future in books to be read by future generations of his people when these events would come true. These words can now be found in the very words of the Bible: so, we can know for sure what the future holds for us today: but we must be willing to study and search for these prophecies if we want to know what the future holds, and for even some of them that are very symbolic, to try to decode the symbols to see what they're actually representing. All this usually takes work, trust in God’s word, and even time; but if we are willing to honestly seek out what God actually says then we will be ultimately rewarded with knowing what will happen in the future so we can try to maybe even prepare for it ahead of time as well as seeing already fulfilled prophecy in history can increase our trust in God’s prophecies (and God himself) to know for sure these unfulfilled prophecies will happen. This is why this prophecy section exists: to make it much easier to find, study, and even understand Biblical prophecy (or even how fulfilled prophecy is now history): so, you can know for sure what will happen in the future and be absolutely confident it will happen.